
Showing posts from December, 2023

A Union's Commitment to Address Racism in our Union and in America

  AN ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE DESKS OF PARIS JONES AND WALTER BLAIR: “The past several years have sparked national mobilization and reckoning on racial equity. To that end, AFSCME adopted Resolutions recommitting itself to “confronting and taking active measures to “address racism in our union and in America” and resolving to “examine our own institutions, procedures, and cultures to identify and address bias.” COURAGE to be Stronger is our union’s program to carry out this commitment.” From AFSCME’s Resolution #33, “A commitment to standing strong for racial and economic justice, solidarity and equality. At AFSCME’s 44 th International Convention in 2020, delegates adopted Resolution 3 entitled ‘Confronting Racism’ in which we committed ourselves to examine our own institutions, procedures, and cultures to identify and address bias to become a more perfect union.” As stated in Resolution 3: “AFSCME’s past, present, and future are deeply rooted in the fight against racism and the